• Forcing a sensor update in Home Assistant


    Home Assistant Logo     Home Assistant is event driven.  This means that most sensors will not get updated into the database unless the value of the sensor changes.  This is not usually a problem since but if you are storing the sensor data into the database so you can create some time based graphs, then this becomes an issue.  It took me a long time research why my graphs (using Grafana and an influxDB) where not showing any data.  Here is how I solved that problem....
  • Monitoring your UPS with a Pi

    I have a need to monitor a couple of APC UPS' that are supplying power for my Home Theater system.  I currently don't have a computer close by but want to monitor those UPS'... A Raspberry Pi and NUT to the rescue.  It seems like a perfect match.

  • NUT Client for VMWare ESXi

    NUT is some great software for managing a UPS and notifiying all your client s to shutdown properly.  This document describes how to install a NUT client into ESXi 5 or 6 and have it shut down properly when there is a critical power outage.  The NUT client is integrated into the ESXi hypervisor and can be configured from the vSphere Client